Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I'm tired, physically and mentally. I'm now going to the gym four days a week trying to lose my fatness, it's something I want and need to do and I am happy I'm doing it, but I'm freaking tired. I haven't been able to work out a diet that gives me the energy I need without leaving me starving but I'm working on that. It doesn't help when you're also mentally tired because of stupid crap. I was stuck in a meeting today and one of the topics of discussion was why we're wasting so much time in meetings.... UGH! It's amazing we do the things we do given how little time we actually spend on the actual tasks....scary is more like it. I just want to do my job, I just want to pass on the skills that I have to the folks that work for me and I want work to be fun. I wish communication worked better in my office and as an example I just found out today that I'm leaving on Sunday for New York. New York isn't a surprise, Sunday is as I was scheduled to go in March. Alas the powers that be made the decision and never bothered to tell me...good thing I didn't have a date next week... HA (you're supposed to laugh with me at that)

OK, enough bitching.... I don't know why my office has had a communication problem for a long time now but it's old and I wish we could figure out a way to fix it. Everyone has good ideas but they just don't seem to work. I miss the days where my knowledge and opinions weren't as important except to those in my war room even though I do like the stroking of my ego when I see the impact I actually do have. blah blah blah. Yes I have an ego and I wish I could share some of the things that got me to where I'm at now with all of you but and here I go using an oldie but goodie.....I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you! :)

So there, I've blogged. Still not the blogs that are bumping into the rocks in my head but we'll see if I can ever get them out. I really like the picture a day bit that Liz and Michele are doing, keep it up girls it's something I look forward to checked everyday. There are others out there that need to blog too and I'd say one in particular needs to start a blog but she has a hard enough time responding to emails so I won't hold my breath on that. I doubt I'm going to blog before I leave on Sunday but I will be taking pictures up there and since I'll be in the Empire State Building I'll be going up top a lot as I love the view from there. It's sad that the skyline just doesn't look the same anymore but it's still a beautiful city.

Stay tuned for more (can they get any more random) rambles...


Liz said...

Good for you for going back to the gym. Its always really hard at first but when you establish a routine it will be second nature.

Ok your job would drive me nuts. Moving a trip from March to Sunday IN JANUARY is just frustrating.

I will still port pictures, I have found that I LOVE it. It gives me a new view of everything. Now I just have to get over feeling oh feeling like freak for pulling out my camera every 5 minutes.

Michele said...

Yay a post!

Lucky you going to NYC, though it sucks it is last minute! Plus I suppose it'd be more fun if it wasn't for work. Don't you have a holiday monday?!?

Goat said...

no three day weekend for me...I get one but that's the price I pay. I'm taking the train up on Sunday and then coming back down on Saturday. It's a "boot camp" type class which usually means long hours but still...it's NYC and I've got to walk around a bit. My only grip besides the short notice is January vice March....was wanting warmer weather! :)