Saturday, January 31, 2009


So back during the campaign our VP said that paying taxes was patriotic...well that's not how I'd describe my feelings towards taxes but we'll follow his lead for now. My question for the new team in town is how come you keep hiring people to lead us out of the financial crisis that can't even figure out their own taxes? Seems poor Mr. Daschle had to fork over some $140,000 in unpaid taxes so he could be slotted into the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. Of course who can forget our Treasury Secretary Mr. Geithner who's supposed to be a genius at all this financial stuff and yet has issues when using a tax program millions of Americans use each year.

Call me crazy but this stuff really makes me wonder how they're going to manage billions when they can't even manage their own finances...

Friday, January 30, 2009


In an odd twist of fate both myself and my awesome friend Bef both get jobs within a day of each other.

Now she's got one less excuse from dragging herself and her hubby out west!


no hate like liberal hate...

-You did not, at any time, vote for George W. Bush and are not Republican.

So, as I cruise through blogs and dating sites I've decided to throw statements like the one above in here. I'm doing it because I like pointing out the hypocrisy coming from the left and maybe someday I'll be able to hit 100 posts on this blog. Now before my libtard friends get their feathers in a ruffle I'm not saying that being hypocritical is unique to the left so no need to go pointing out all the idiots on the right, there are plenty.

Now, as for that quote, well I'm sure it won't surprise anyone that this woman says she resides in San Francisco, she is 51 and speaks French. One of the things she says she's good at is (in French) making meaningless phrases sound sexy... Apparently President Bush had this mystical power that effected her breathing because she's happy to report that she feels like she can breath again now that President Obama is in office. Her job is listed in the 'medicine/health' one would think if she was having problems breathing for the last 8 years she could have done something about it. She's well read and enjoys a wide variety of activities, cultures and foods - something San Francisco offers a lot of. Oh and she looks good for her age.

Basically she's someone that while I would have no romantic interest in her, I most likely would find enjoyable topics to talk about with her...but she discriminates against others SO she gets a big fat ZERO.

My thoughts on the whole hypocrisy bit is that it seems like the Left loves to champion the freedom to be who you want to, communism, atheist, just about anything with an 'anti' in it and they expect everyone else to be accepting of these views. They push the belief that you can be what ever you want to be. Sounds good to me. If you're gay, I'm happy for you but I really don't want to see you behave any more explicitly than you see hetero couples act in public so instead of the stuff that goes on at the Folsom Street Fair...please limit it to holding hands and occasionally kissing. If you believe in communism, no problem there, the concept is cool but I don't think it works because people are greedy. You don't like God...that's your problem not mine...hope you're right when you die. The only thing that bothers me about religion is the whole anti-Christmas bit...I like saying Merry Christmas to people, I'm not telling them they have to be Christians or that they have to believe in God, all I'm saying is that I wish them well, I hope they are enjoying a time society has set aside for things like family and kindness....and that they spend lots of money to help out all the businesses. When I say Merry Christmas I'm not trying to offend anyone and I won't be offended if you were to say Happy Holidays back....but if you get pissed off because of what I said I'll call you a Grinch and tell you to get a F'ing life.

Well I kind of got off track there (sorta) but the point is that the Left preaches acceptance and yet I sure see a lot of them that can't accept someone that views politics a bit differently. What gives?? I can accept that you have a different opinion than mine but I don't hate you for it. If you're female, cute and between 28-38 I might even be interested in you romantically. Just because I am a Republican doesn't mean I'm the fact most people that know me would say I'm a pretty nice guy. To bad you'll never know because you won't give me a chance....your loss.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

how warm?

so one of the other stories making it's rounds today is how the dress code has been relaxed in the White what? Yes there is a time for a jacket and tie but if you're just having meetings, why bother with the jacket unless you are trying to help out all the dry cleaners with more business. I hated having to dress up anytime I had to brief down there, especially since there were only certain days I could wear my uniform instead. Suits are expensive!

Nope, the part I'm laughing about is this quote “He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”

How long has it been since he's lived in Hawaii? How long has he lived in a city that is proud of it's chilly winters? How warm does it have to be to grow orchids in the winter? Isn't he one of the believers in Global Warming? Or is this another example of do as I say, not as I do.

All I know is that when ever I get hit with a larger than normal utility bill the first thing to be changed is the thermostat...colder in the winter (that's what sweaters are for) and less A/C in the summer. Of course I'm just a low earning tax payer...

I'd like some wagyu steak too Mr. President

24 people w/spouses plus whom ever else the Pres many ounces of wagyu steak do you think they had on hand?

**wish I was invited...I've never been able to try wagyu beef because it's just a little out of my budget.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The final vote was 244 to 188. No Republicans voted for the bill, while just 12 Democrats voted against it.
As Speaker Nancy Pelosi put it, "We won the election. We wrote the bill."

After all, it's not their money...

*before I get any comments I'll just point out that it's not just the three in the cartoon I am not pleased with, it's the fools in general that 'we' the people keep electing to govern us that I'm unhappy with. Term limits would be a nice thing...won't solve everything but it'd be a start.

behind closed doors...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Saturday, January 24, 2009


OK, we all know politics can make for some heated discussions, especially over the last ten years or so but more and more I'm seeing people behave in ways that just isn't beneficial to anyone. Now that I'm on the west coast or as I have frequently referred to it as the Left Coast I've been trolling a dating site or two just to see what's out there and have been shocked at how immature some people are. When I open up a profile to try and learn a little more about someone I might be interested in and see remarks like "Bush EWWWW" or Republicans not welcome or some form of blatant discrimination based solely on a persons political feelings I really wonder how pitiful the lives of those individuals must be. One of the ideals that goes back to the birth of this nation was freedom of speech and religion, true we don't always live up to that as well as we could but still, to out of hand dismiss someone simply because he may have different thoughts about something than you boggles my mind. Yes I disagree with a lot that Democrats believe in but you know what, I've got friends that are Democrats and feel pretty strongly about it and yet, they're still my friends. I enjoy it when we can talk politics and while I might not agree, I still respect their opinions. It saddens me that I don't see that respect being returned much from people outside of my friends and family. Why is that? How are we ever supposed to work together for the better of our society when so many are so narrow minded? Yes it's on both sides of the aisle, but I am only commenting on what I see personally.

The point of this is the whole dating thing, how many potentially awesome partners are these people missing out on just because they're too ignorant to accept the idea that someone may have a different point of view. Bush ewwww....that's the behavior I remember from third grade, when will these people grow up? And if they discriminate against someone for political beliefs, what else do they discriminate against....'d be nice to see more of it all around.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Lets take a trip down memory lane, eight years ago today...

and now a clip from earlier today, listen to what is being sung in the back ground...

The transfer of power that takes place on Inauguration Day is truly amazing and it's something that should be celebrated, not sullied with childish behavior. For our new President, he got to experience things the way they should always be, he got to get out of the limo and actually walk part way to the White House, I'm glad that everyone that didn't vote for him didn't act like the few in the two clips, or even like those that have been protesting in front of the White House or near Dupont Circle in DC with their shoe throwing events among others.

President Bush made mistakes during his two terms, some big and some small but he didn't deserve to be treated that way. During my last job in the Navy I got to know quite a few people that actually dealt with him on a frequent basis and as a person, they all respected him. The stories I heard about his family compared to the previous family...well the difference was substantial. The man cared about our country and he tried to do right by it. In the military you are forced to deal with all sorts of people, some good and some not so good but one thing you learn quickly is that you don't have to respect the individual, but you will respect the rank. The President deserves our respect and he gets it from me just as he should from everyone. I will be critical of his policies and actions I don't agree with but you will never see me throwing shoes at his picture or booing him if I were to see him pass by. If I was still wearing a uniform I'd salute him with pride and if I saw any other military person being disrespectful I'd chew some arse.

President Obama, I wish you the best of luck, the world is watching your every step and voting 'present' is no longer an option. The weight of responsibility is now upon your shoulders and I hope you bear it well. The buck stops at your desk and while you have come into office in troubled times it's now your responsibility to steer our nation towards better times. I hope you succeed because if you fail our nation fails and if that were to happen, well the world would be in for some dark times. I hope my doubts about your abilities are wrong, I hope you truly aren't a product of Chicago politics and I hope that you understand to be a success you'll have to find a place to lead from the middle. The far left and far right while they might think they have the best interests for our country in mind are actually far from it. The policies you create will have lasting effects both good and bad and unfortunately you can't make everyone happy. The men and women both in and out of uniform that see to your security and well being, treat them with the same respect they show you. They aren't your servants though they are at your beck and call, it's the title you currently hold that they serve. Your campaign set peoples expectations pretty high for your performance, have fun meeting that. The media helped you get where you are at now but they won't always be your friend, nothing sells like blood and guts. Loose the ego and do the best job you can serving our country. Good luck....we'll be watching.

Monday, January 19, 2009

What she said!

I've pretty much just been keeping my mouth shut the last two months, real life has been doing a good job at focusing my attention elsewhere. Plus doing any blogging of any length via Iphone isn't all that much fun. Anyways a friend posted this today and I figured I'd put a link up here. I'm all for having a party, it is a historic occasion and all but it's hard to forget the uproar from just four years ago....for less than a third of the amount. Unless he really is The Messiah...or else the one that brings about the end of humanity, he's got a lot of hype to live up to. As I said before, I hope things are better four years from now, the way things are looking....not holding my breath. Still, all this hero worship is helping some people, there's always fools out there that'll buy what ever is the trendy thing at the moment. And for when reality sets can always break this out for one more big O.

**My sister was quick with a comment so make sure you read this too and make up your own mind. I still think the hero worship going on is a bit much but that's just me.