Friday, June 26, 2009

good enough for you but not for me....

Dr. Orrin Devinsky, a neurologist and researcher at the New York University Langone Medical Center, said that elites often propose health care solutions that limit options for the general public, secure in the knowledge that if they or their loves ones get sick, they will be able to afford the best care available, even if it's not provided by insurance.

Devinsky asked the president pointedly if he would be willing to promise that he wouldn't seek such extraordinary help for his wife or daughters if they became sick and the public plan he's proposing limited the tests or treatment they can get.

The president refused to make such a pledge, though he allowed that if "it's my family member, if it's my wife, if it's my children, if it's my grandmother, I always want them to get the very best care.

OK, can't argue that someone would want the best possible care for their families...but that's coming from someone that already gets (for life) some of the best medical benefits available. Take some time and google what benefits our elected bozos get, look at how short of a career in DC then need to have to get benefits for life. Call or write your Senator and Representative and ask them if they'll give up the coverage they currently get and take the one they're trying to hand out to the rest of us. Go ahead and ask them and if they say no, ask them why you should accept it.

I'm not saying that the current health care is great but I really don't think the proposals I've been reading are going to do anything but hurt the general public. But what do the numnuts in DC care...they're covered.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


There's been so many things that I've wanted to post here but instead I've just been biting my tongue...this one is a bit to much for me to chew. What does it take to earn the title of Senator? Well you've got to excel at kissing ass, pandering to rich people to pay for your publicity and not a whole lot more. What does it take to earn the rank of General? Usually 20+ years of serving your Country, more often than not in places most people don't think of when planning a vacation. You probably have spent more days and nights than you care to remember cold, hot, hungry, tired, sore or scared for your life. You have demonstrated leadership skills, you've lead men and women possible into battle where the decisions you've made might have cost people their lives. Oh and yes, you've even learned how to show respect for seniors and subordinates that you might not like all that much. If senator Boxer would ever look beyond the disdain she has for all things military she might have learned in her time wearing that chip on her shoulder that says "Look at me, I'm a Senator" and realized that when someone in uniform addresses you as either Sir or Ma'am it's a sign of respect to someone they recognize as senior to their own rank. Now it is also used when addressing civilians in general but still, in this case, the General was using an appropriate title for this occasion. Now if he only addressed her as Ma'am and used Senator when addressing male Senators then yes I would say he was incorrect but what you would see if the media would show the entire session was he used Sir and Ma'am in addition to Senator through out the hearing. I think she was only trying to stroke her ego and also disrupt the hearing because she didn't care one bit what the General had to say. Sad...

If she also had any clue about the military she might realize that when a subordinate addresses a senior solely by their rank, it usually means that the junior has no respect for the senior and is only recognizing the rank. It's appropriate to address a senior in that manner so they can't really do anything about it but it's a very obvious way for a junior to let a senior know how they feel.

I really wish California would get a clue and see that the Dumocrates they've been electing in addition to the Rebublicians in both state and national races really aren't doing much good for anyone and in the next election vote all the incumbents out! Let your voices be heard, the bozo's in Sacramento and D.C. need to be reminded they are there to represent the people not get rich and inflate their ego's beyond belief.