Monday, March 09, 2009

I'm confused...

So to one slice of the public this administration is saying that the budget being sent up isn't theirs, they inherited it from the evil administration that just left...

and then to the faithful...

President Obama is ready to fight for his first budget.?.?.?

Which is it? Is Obama happy with all the earmarks that he said he wouldn't tolerate in his campaign? What's all the fuss anyways? It's only something like 8 Billion or so....that's nothing with the other bills he's pushing forward....

I know change doesn't happen over night but I'm not seeing rainbows on the horizon...more like some really dark clouds and I'm not feeling very warm and fuzzy hearing the spend, spend, spend, tax, tax, tax talk like I am. Sure only the top 5% are going to get a tax hike....but then all the carbon tax, energy tax and who knows what else - anyone think it isn't going to roll down hill? Think the rich will stand by and watch their wealth be redistributed? Think all the businesses will stand by and see their profits (what little they get now) be taxed away? Taxes only work when there are people willing to pay them and this administration has already shown they don't feel they have to pay them themselves...

OBAMA = One Big Ass Mistake America


Michele said...

This has become a very political blog! Why don't you post pretty pictures from the cabin or something!

BigBef said...

You can't say that about Obama because then you're no better than all the meanie's that pick on G.W. all the time:y