Saturday, June 03, 2006

seems just like yesterday...

18 years... It was 18 years ago today that I left Los Altos Hills, rode up to Oakland, got sworn in and then left via SFO for boot camp in Orlando, FL. You know it's kind of funny how that day is pretty much a blur except for the view I had of the Golden Gate as we crossed the Bay Bridge - not a cloud in the sky, crystal clear blue in every direction and to top it off, no haze or smog. Perfect view of the City by the Bay and the bridge. About the only other thing I can tell you about that day is the shock I felt stepping off the plane in Orlando a little before midnight and discovering just how little I like humidity.

I never thought that 18 years later I'd still be in the Navy, two short years away from retirement...God that makes me feel old. But I've still got a lot of life left in me and I'm already looking forward to starting my second career. Not quite sure what that'll be because I have a lot of options available, nope I'm still thinking that the biggest factor in what I do after the Navy will be based upon my personal life and if I'm sharing it with anyone at that time.

Sorry no pictures from way back because even though I've got a collection of toys, I've never bought a scanner. Maybe now is the time...hmmm got a few Amazon gift certificates to use... :)

Still can't believe it's been 18 years...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, maybe you should USE those gift certificates!

Anonymous said...

Your dedication is commendable! And it does seem a little odd to hear you talking about retirement! I guess that's what happens when you start your first career so young!

Anonymous said...

Hey goat, time to post something new!

Anonymous said...

uh yeah! what's this giving me crap? I've posted since you last posted!