Friday, April 10, 2009


No expense is too great for our President.

still waiting to see change from business as usual...or at least that's what he campaigned on. Could someone that thinks he's doing a good job please try and explain it to me, I just want to understand because I honestly don't see it. Yes Bush had problems, No I don't think McCain was the best choice the Republicans could have put on the ticket...but I really, honestly, don't see how people can believe in the path he's taking us.


How about ASU saying Obama hasn't done enough for a honorary degree...well he's done a lot of volunteering, he's taught a few classes...finagled his way into politics...he did run a very effective campaign and got himself elected President. Since those degrees are mostly BS anyways I would have given him one but still, I applaud ASU for coming right out and saying that he hasn't done anything yet, that his excellence is yet to come. Yeah, I have to agree with that statement.

meh...time to head over to the cabin.

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