Wednesday, August 16, 2006

my blog has been found lacking...

OK,OK, as some of you have pointed out to me, I haven't blogged in a bit. :) While not much of interest has been going on in my life I have been busy catching up with work and helping a friend. While I wouldn't say I'm lacking in the quanity of friends, the number of quality friends that I have is very small so when one of them needs something, everything else goes by the wayside. This particular friend has been there for me when I needed someone to talk to even when it was the same thing over and over again. Even though the frustrations levels got pretty high at times because I kept making the same mistakes, I always had someone to turn to when I needed it. That is what a friend is and she will always be one.

SO besides that, here's a final update from Vegas. :)

Black Hat and DEFCON...what kind of folks attend these things? Well, here's a few examples from DEFCON which of the two, brings out the more....interesting....folks:

What would any event be with out Friar Tuck??

Where can I get a pair of these???

Geek Girl!!!! huba huba

ummm, pig tails can be cute but....not this time

The Wall of Sheep.

What might you ask is this about? Well...for those of you that use wireless to connect your computers around the house, thanks for sharing with everyone around you!! WEP, WPA and WPA2, not as secure as you might think and this wall is an example. This picture was taken just an hour or so after the CON started, by the end of the day, passwords and accounts listed were nearing 100. All the ones listed on this wall were sent in the clear - by that, I mean the individual wasn't using any method of encryption so it was very easy to capture. Methods of encryption available with your standard wireless router such as WEP, WPA and WPA2 do offer you some protection, but still, they all have their weaknesses. Not going to turn this into a class so...if you've got questions, let me know and I'll be glad to offer my opinions and suggestions.


1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Okay that sheep thing is scary...

Almost as scary as Friar Tuck.