Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Lets take a trip down memory lane, eight years ago today...

and now a clip from earlier today, listen to what is being sung in the back ground...

The transfer of power that takes place on Inauguration Day is truly amazing and it's something that should be celebrated, not sullied with childish behavior. For our new President, he got to experience things the way they should always be, he got to get out of the limo and actually walk part way to the White House, I'm glad that everyone that didn't vote for him didn't act like the few in the two clips, or even like those that have been protesting in front of the White House or near Dupont Circle in DC with their shoe throwing events among others.

President Bush made mistakes during his two terms, some big and some small but he didn't deserve to be treated that way. During my last job in the Navy I got to know quite a few people that actually dealt with him on a frequent basis and as a person, they all respected him. The stories I heard about his family compared to the previous family...well the difference was substantial. The man cared about our country and he tried to do right by it. In the military you are forced to deal with all sorts of people, some good and some not so good but one thing you learn quickly is that you don't have to respect the individual, but you will respect the rank. The President deserves our respect and he gets it from me just as he should from everyone. I will be critical of his policies and actions I don't agree with but you will never see me throwing shoes at his picture or booing him if I were to see him pass by. If I was still wearing a uniform I'd salute him with pride and if I saw any other military person being disrespectful I'd chew some arse.

President Obama, I wish you the best of luck, the world is watching your every step and voting 'present' is no longer an option. The weight of responsibility is now upon your shoulders and I hope you bear it well. The buck stops at your desk and while you have come into office in troubled times it's now your responsibility to steer our nation towards better times. I hope you succeed because if you fail our nation fails and if that were to happen, well the world would be in for some dark times. I hope my doubts about your abilities are wrong, I hope you truly aren't a product of Chicago politics and I hope that you understand to be a success you'll have to find a place to lead from the middle. The far left and far right while they might think they have the best interests for our country in mind are actually far from it. The policies you create will have lasting effects both good and bad and unfortunately you can't make everyone happy. The men and women both in and out of uniform that see to your security and well being, treat them with the same respect they show you. They aren't your servants though they are at your beck and call, it's the title you currently hold that they serve. Your campaign set peoples expectations pretty high for your performance, have fun meeting that. The media helped you get where you are at now but they won't always be your friend, nothing sells like blood and guts. Loose the ego and do the best job you can serving our country. Good luck....we'll be watching.


Tiffany said...

Well said.

Though I will admit to laughing during the second video... sorry it was funny! But all I could think was if people hated him so much at the first inauguration in 2001 why did he get re-elected in 04?

It's always the few loud dissenters who make the most noise unfortunately. Here's to middle ground.

BigBef said...

I'm not a supporter of Obama, but I would never stand out there and do to Obama what those people did to Bush on his way out. That's just rude.

I can only imagine being the President is ridiculously f*(*#* hard and it pisses me off when people go to that level of disrespect.

It's like the troops, you may not agree with everything they do, but you support them anyway for the good of the country.