Sunday, October 12, 2008

what makes the news...

So over the last week or so it seems that people attending events in support of McCain have been saying some nasty things and of course it's been all over the news. My question is where has the media been for the last eight years with all the nasty things coming from the far left? I very rarely read Michelle Malkin's blog, she is just a bit to far on the right for me but I hope you'll take a look at this post. She doesn't inject a lot of her opinion, mostly it's just examples of the rage against the Republicans that has been out there, but not covered all that well.

It's sad how much hate there is out there, for example take a look at Fark, it's a site I usually take a look at once or twice a day to see what's going on in the world. Unfortunately over the last year or two it's becoming filled with hateful remarks and a very left spin, especially under the "politics" tab, hate, hate, hate, hate...there's nothing like liberal hate. People are so blinded by this hate, yes I know it exists on both sides, that constructive dialog between the parties is getting more and more difficult. Until us folk that reside more in the middle learn to marginalize the hate from the far left and the far right nothing is going to get fixed, politicians will continue to bleed our country dry with wasteful bailouts, earmarks, failed programs, long holidays and rampant bloviating. Only when the two parties can meet in the middle will this nation return to it's path of greatness.

Something else to look at when you're trying to decide which candidate you're going to vote for, who has actually crossed the aisle more with their voting and remember to actually look at their record instead of the spin that's out there. Here's another site you can go to for more detail on Obama and McCain.

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